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Oxalates and Kidney Stones

Oxalates are molecules found in certain foods such as spinach and cashews that are formed as the combination end product of several amino acids such as serine, glycine, and ascorbic acid, that can combine with calcium (a naturally occur ion in the blood also from food) in the blood to form calcium oxalate crystals.  Foods that contain more than 100g of oxalates per serving include (but this IS NOT an exhaustive list):

  • Beets
  • Rhubarb
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Spinach
  • Tofu
  • Rice Bran
  • Almonds
  • Snap Beans
  • Cashews
  • Soybeans
  • Quinoa
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Figs
  • Plum
  • Raspberry
  • Tangerine
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Kale

These oxalate crystals are needle shaped crystals called raphides.  They are readily absorbed after ingestion, cannot be metabolized by mammals, and are largely eliminated through renal excretion.  Calcium oxalate crystals get filtered by the glomeruli in the kidney unless they are large, and then they become “stuck” in the nephrons and form kidney stones, especially if you have the genetic propensity.  Oxalates are toxic to the renal epithelial cells and can cause membrane injury.  The common upper limit of normal for oxalate excretion is 45mg/day (0.5mmol/day).  Chronic vitamin C oral use can also cause hyperoxaluria and kidney stones. 

Kidney stones are EXTREMELY painful, and the symptoms associated with them are as following:

SEVERE and sudden onset pain on the abdomen sides or low back

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Blood in the urine
  • Cloudy urine

Small kidney stones can be passed in the urine, but larger ones greater than 9mm must be treated with lithotripsy (a procedure where a skilled physician blasts the  stones into pieces for excretion, or surgery).  The pain associated with kidney stones is very significant and usually requires pain management by the ER.

To check for oxalate crystals in the urine, you can have your doctor order a 24 hour urine oxalate test through Labcorp or Quest, and this will reveal urinary levels and the presence of toxicity.

Treatment for calcium oxalate crystals is largely dietary.  You’ll need to go on a low oxalate diet, and read the book “Toxic Superfoods” by Sally Norton, MPH.  She has some excellent information on how to change your diet if you are prone to kidney stones.

I was plagued by kidney stones 10 years ago from over eating spinach and cashews and the urologist NEVER told me to change my diet.  After researching the subject, I found that you can lead a very normal life IF you curb your diet from high oxalate foods, and drink at least 64oz of water with electrolytes every day.

Professional Health Products has two supplements, Oxalate Scavenger, and Oxalate Balancer that contain nutrients such as: Calcium citrate, Magnesium oratate, vitamin B6 (P5P) or Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc citrate with P5P which will bind the oxalate crystals.

Kidney stones are no fun and you can avoid them simply by being mindful with your diet.  Find a list with high oxalate containing foods, and remove the top 10-15 of them completely from your diet and that should do the trick.  Make sure you drink plenty of fresh water to cleanse the kidneys daily and you should be just fine.

Of note, it is my observation that patients with Bartonella are much more likely to develop kidney stones although to date, this is an anecdotal observation.  I happen to be one of these patients.

Dr. Bob Bransfield – Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of Tick Borne Infections



Robert C. Bransfield, MD, DLFAPA

The Third international ‘CryptoConference’ was held in Dublin Ireland June 17th to 18th 2023. ‘Crypto’ refers to occult infections which are hard to diagnose and hard to treat. The theme of the third conference is ‘microbial persistence’, which is the way that these occult infections evade the immune system and evade routine diagnostic techniques. We invited a range of clinicians and basic scientists from the USA, Canada, and throughout the European Union, to spend two days in Dublin. The topics to be addressed include Borrelia, Bartonella, Babesia, and a range of other microbial pathogens. Lectures provided will appeal to primary care doctors (general practitioners) on the subject of Lyme and Long COVID, as well as more basic science lectures that will appeal to bench researchers as well as clinicians.

The Importance of Probiotics

The importance of probiotics while undergoing Lyme Disease treatment cannot be underestimated. The human microbiome is composed of trillions of different bacteria that live harmoniously and perform various necessary physiological functions, especially in the intestines. These bacteria have specific nutritional needs just as we do to sustain life. Additionally, endigenous bacteria generally do not cause disease, unless the bio-terrain is altered by other infectious organisms, antibiotics, or poor diet. In this case, your “garden” becomes a “garden of weeds.”

While antibiotics are necessary to eradicate Lyme Disease and co-infections in most patients, great care should be taken to maintain a healthy microbiome while undergoing treatment. A plant-based diet low in carbohydrates and plenty of water keeps inflammation at a minimum so that the antibiotics can work optimally to kill pathogenic organisms.

But make no mistake…this is risky business because antibiotics not only kill the bad organisms, they also kill the good ones. Therefore, high-dose, diverse, probiotics should be taken alongside antibiotic therapy without question. Some of these can include:

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Lactobacillus brevis

Lactobacillus plantarum

Bifidobacterium lactis

Bifidobacterium longum

Saccharomyces boulardii

Additionally, pre-biotics in the form of FOS (fructooligosaccharides) may be necessary to balance the gut flora.

As you age, your gut microbiome becomes increasingly less able to optimally function. This gets exacerbated when you have multiple infections affecting the mucos.

Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue is an old drug (circa 1876) used to treat methemoglobinemia and cyanide poisoning.  It is a thiazide dye and turns your urine blue, but generally is very well tolerated. Some patients like to use red spectrum light with methylene blue, especially for treating plaque psoriasis.

It works by converting ferric iron in hemoglobin to ferrous iron.  It also has anti-inflammatory properties and is currently under research investigation for the treatment of persistent Bartonella with promising results.

The only caveat is that you must be tested for G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase) deficiency to ensure that enzyme levels are normal, prior to beginning treatment.

Sleep and Insomnia

Sleep is critical for healing, particularly deep sleep. During sleep, the body alternates between REM sleep and non-REM sleep.  During REM or deep sleep, you dream, and dreaming is thought to be the way that the mind processes information. During sleep, most of the body’s systems are in an anabolic state, helping to restore the immune, nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems.  Sleep is also the time that the brain detoxes through its glymphatic system.

Insomnia is a common symptom of tick-borne disease and is characterized by an inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake refreshed.  This has to be treated right away so that you can get 8-10 hours of restful sleep a night.  

There are many supplements that can help with sleep 30 minutes before bed includes:

  • Melatonin (1-4 mg)
  • Phosphatidylserine (100-400 mg)
  • L-Theanine (750 mg)
  • DMG (Dimethylglycine) (100 mg)
  • GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid) (1000 mg)
  • Valerian (100 mg)
  • Progesterone (25 mg – 100 mg)
  • 5-HTP (50 mg – 100 mg)

There are also several peptides that are sleep aids including:

  • Epitalon
  • DSIP (Delta sleep-inducing peptide)

Lastly, medications that can help with sleep include:

  • Trazodone
  • Quetiapine
  • Diphenhydramine
  • Doxepin
  • Hydroxyzine
stages of sleep


Detoxification is a natural property of the human body and includes urination, defecation, sweating, and breathing. Food and liquids that we eat and drink respectively contain many components for which the body cannot use and are therefore eliminated as waste. This is a homeostatic component of our physiology that allows “balance” to be maintained in the body.

The liver, kidneys, colon, and lungs are the organs responsible for carrying out detox activity in the body. However, the liver bears most of this burden in filtering blood. Nature has designed four elaborate detoxification pathways that include: sulfation, glucuronidation, acetylation, and glycation. These pathways must operate with ease in order for the liver to filter contaminants in the blood such as spirochetal excrement, dead spirochetes, and known toxins such as Bb Tox 1, ammonia, and Quinolinic acid. If these toxins are not removed from the body, they accumulate causing widespread inflammation and tissue damage which augments illness and may contribute significantly to chronic infectious illness.

detoxification remedies

Healing Affirmations

Healing Affirmations are an incredibly powerful tool in the healing journey. One of the things that are so disheartening about chronic illness is that your spirit can become sick and depressed as well.  This complicates the healing journey substantially.  One way to keep your spirits high while you heal from chronic illness is to do daily affirmations that actually help you heal.  Below are affirmations that you can do or write in your journal to keep your spirits high:

  • I know that I am healing every day
  • My cells feel better and better every day
  • My infections are getting treated every day
  • I know that my body will be well very soon
  • I can feel my body healing every day
  • I am not sick. I am just having a bad day
  • I am just resting to allow my body to heal, which will happen quickly
  • I am so grateful for my herbs and medications that help me heal
  • I am so grateful that I can move, eat, and spend time with my family
  • I am so grateful that I still have a good attitude and goals that I want to accomplish

There are many books online with healing affirmations that you can purchase.  Do this daily, and it will make your healing time shorter. Psychoneuroimmunology is a significant factor in your return to health ad you are in control of that.

Another great way to start your day is with a gratitude journal. Every morning, write down 10 things that you are most grateful for and make them different every day. By doing this, you begin to change your frequency to a higher vibration which is always a better option when you are trying to heal from chronic illness.

healing affirmations

Cannabis for Lyme Symptoms

cannabis leaves

If you are having trouble managing the symptoms of Lyme disease or other co-infections, medical cannabis may be a treatment option for you. The anti-inflammatory properties of medical cannabis have been linked to providing potential relief for some of the symptoms of Lyme disease, as well as numerous mental benefits including some relief from anxiety and depression. The pain-relieving properties of medical marijuana make it a viable treatment for Lyme disease. Cannabis is a naturally occurring herb known for its relaxing and neurologically calming properties and has recently become available in Washington State for medicinal use. Cannabis contains Cannabidiol (CBD) which is the major non-psychoactive constituent of Cannabis sativa, and Delta 9 – tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which does affect mental acuity.

Cannabinoids promote neurogenesis and have neurological protective effects as well as pain-reducing effects on the body. Therefore, Cannabinoids may be very useful in the treatment of chronic tick-borne illness. The key is to use an extract that is high in CBD but low in THC, so that anti-inflammatory properties are maximized, and mental “dulling” properties are minimized.

If you would like to know more about Cannabinoids in the treatment of chronic tick-borne illness, please contact Dr. Marra. Not everyone is a candidate to use this herb, and so a detailed history and physical will be required to assess your eligibility for this treatment.

Herxheimer Reaction

The Herxheimer reaction (HERX) was originally noted in 1895 by Dr. Jarisch who worked with Syphyllis (a spirochete) patients.  In the 21st century, we observe Herxheimer reactions in tick-borne illnesses such as Lyme Disease, also caused by a spirochete.  A Herxheimer reaction (Herx) typically occurs hours to days after antimicrobial administration and is thought to be the result of endotoxins released into the bloodstream by dying spirochetes.  The body’s immune system then responds to the endotoxins and the concurrent release of cytokines (i.e., tumor necrosis factor, interleukin 6, and interleukin 8) which are chemical messenger molecules of the immune system producing exaggerated symptoms lasting 3 days up to several weeks.

Dr. Marra doses antibiotics specifically for the individual patient so that the Herxheimer reaction on a scale of 1-10, is about a 5.  This is her own technique, and she feels that severe Herxheimer reactions over prolonged periods of time may cause tissue damage from the excessive release of endotoxins and cytokines.  Tissues become friable as a result of chronic inflammation, not unlike what happens when a sponge is repeatedly used and the surface area becomes frayed.  Dr. Marra is not convinced that this kind of tissue damage is reversible which is why she chooses to take the route of treatment that she does.  However, many other physicians choose to treat more aggressively and seem to have good results. This is simply her own treatment preference.

The general description of a Herxheimer reaction is a temporary increase in symptoms but may also include the development of completely new symptoms.  More specifically, the most common complaints of a Herx reaction are increased joint and muscle pain, headaches, chills, night sweats, fever (usually low grade), extreme fatigue, brain fog or lack of mental clarity, drop in blood pressure, hives, or a rash of some sort.  Worth noting here is that a rash or hives can sometimes be mistaken for an allergic reaction.  It is up to the treating physician to determine this, but with close, experienced observation and the use of Benadryl, Alka Seltzer Gold, Quercitin, warm lemon water, and vitamin C (see Herx management), unnecessary premature cessation of antibiotics may be prevented.  In more severe cases of Herxheimer reactions, a reduction in the antibiotic dosage or cessation of the antimicrobials may be required.

The timing of a Herx reaction is very individualistic and can occur within days to weeks after the onset of antibiotic treatment.  In some patients, a Herxheimer reaction occurs only once or twice, or not at all throughout treatment.  It is clear, however, that as you move through the treatment and the spirochetal load becomes decreased, the Herx reactions become less and less severe.  Herxheimer reactions can also occur in cycles (usually 4-week cycles) and may be affected by the lunar cycle.  This is anecdotal but it is an interesting observation in some people.

About 70-80% of people undergoing Lyme Disease treatment with antibiotics experience some sort of Herxheimer reaction.  It is thought by a number of physicians and scientists that these people have difficulty in detoxification processes and that perhaps there may be a defect in one of the detox pathways in the liver.  This may be genetic, environmental, or a combination of both.  But without question, maintaining an alkaline diet and an  “alkaline bio terrain” helps lessen the effects of a Herx reaction.  The 20% of patients who do not experience a Herx reaction should not feel like they are getting nowhere by taking antibiotics.  Discussion of this issue should be left to the patient and their treating physician.

Check out our page about alkalizing foods.

The Importance of Probiotics

The importance of probiotics while undergoing Lyme Disease treatment cannot be under estimated. The human microbiome is composed of trillions of different bacteria that live harmoniously and perform various necessary physiological functions, especially in the intestines. These bacteria have specific nutritional needs just as we do to sustain life. Additionally, endigenous bacteria generally do not cause disease, unless the bio-terrain is altered by other infectious organisms, antibiotics, or poor diet. In this case, your “garden” becomes a “garden of weeds.”

While antibiotics are necessary to eradicate Lyme Disease and co-infections in most patients, great care should be taken to maintain a healthy microbiome while undergoing treatment. A plant based diet low in carbohydrates and plenty of water keeps inflammation at a minimum so that the antibiotics can work optimally to kill the pathogenic organisms.

But make no mistake…this is risky business because antibiotics not only kill the bad organisms, they also kill the good ones. Therefore, high dose, diverse, probiotics should be taken along side antibiotic therapy without question. Some of these can include:

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Lactobacillus brevis

Lactobacillus plantarum

Bifidobacterium lactis

Bifidobacterium longum

Saccharomyces boulardii

Additionally, pre-biotics in the form of FOS (fructooligosaccharides) may be necessary to balance the gut flora.

As you age, your gut microbiome becomes increasingly less able to optimally function. This gets exacerbated when you have multiple infections affecting the mucos